Genshin Impact Good Against Geo
Boss encounters are a staple for high-level play within the world of Genshin Impact , specially when playing Genshin Impact in co-op. Taking these enemies on tin be incredibly difficult, fifty-fifty with a full team of players, and will require a fair amount of coordination and planning before fifty-fifty stepping into the arena. And the nigh important affair that players can do before kickoff a boss run across with their friends is to decide what Elements they need to bring with them.
Updated November 23 2021, by Scott Vengel: Genshin Bear upon has come a long way since its inception over a year ago. Each update offers something new for players to explore, from new features to new storylines and quests to consummate. Even more then, each update offers more than playable characters and opponents to defeat in the overworld. Since its launch back in September 2020, Genshin Impact has increased its dominate count exponentially, with Inazuma offering more enemies than any other region before it. As such, this article volition exist updated to include data on boss fights in Genshin Impact that were not in the initial release.
Genshin Impact Elemental Weakness Chart

Players that are familiar with Genshin Touch on know that Elements play a huge role within the game's combat, and as such should exist the beginning matter they should consider before hopping into a major boss fight. By combining different Elemental types together, Elemental Reactions occur causing major damage to the target. For example, using an Electro ability on an enemy affected by Hydro will cause them to go Electro-Charged, dealing constant Electro impairment over time.
While it might be difficult for Genshin Affect beginners to decide what exactly each Reaction does, information technology's worth pointing out that whatever Reaction that players can provoke volition be helpful in the heat of combat. The easiest way to remember what types of Reactions will occur is to call up about how these Elements would work in real life. Fire will melt ice, water volition conduct electricity, and water will vaporize burn down.

There is one more than item in boss battles: the function of Anemo and Geo characters. While these characters are neutral to all of the Elements, their abilities are by far the most versatile. Anmo characters (similar the starting character and Venti) provide the Swirl Reaction, attaching themselves to the first Element they come in contact with and spreading information technology around the battlefield to provide more than opportunities for devastating Reactions.
Geo characters (like Noelle and Ningguang) can create the Crystalize Reaction, taking the first Chemical element information technology touches and creating an Elemental Shield for themselves and allies, assuasive them to take less impairment from the respective Chemical element. And so having a pocket Anemo or Geo grapheme in a party could come up in clutch in these encounters. Now with all of this being said, here are the electric current weeklies and field bosses, what Element they champion, and what the all-time counters for them are.
Weekly Dominate Stormterror Dvalin Elemental Counters

Dvalin, the massive Stormterror dragon that players see with Venti at the offset of Genshin Impact, is one of the weekly bosses that resets every Mon at four AM server. This mighty dragon is non an easy boss to defeat, mostly because it is an Anemo enemy without a real elemental weakness. This means that whatever combination of characters can be used, just information technology also means that no characters take a strict advantage. There is some strategy in the fight, however; here are some suggestions for party makeup.
- Element - Anemo
- Weakness - None
- Pyro, Hydro, or Electro DPS characters with high burst damage can assistance bring downwards Dvalin's shield
- Players should bring a support character for healing
- Ranged damage is the all-time against the Stormterror
Weekly Boss Lupus Boreas Elemental Counters

Lupus Boreas is an icy wolf that is one of the iv winds of Mondstadt. This icy boss is likewise called Andrius Dominator of Wolves or the Wolf of the North. The wolf is located in Wolvendom, Windwail Highland, Mondstadt, and volition need one of several Elements to even deal damage to information technology.
- Element - Cryo
- Weakness - Pyro, Electro, and Geo
- Pyro, Electro, and Geo characters volition be needed to bargain any damage to Lupus
- Cryo and Anemo characters cannot damage this boss but may be brought for support
Weekly Boss Childe Elemental Counters

Different most of the other weekly bosses found in Genshin Impact, Childe does non have a wipe mechanic for players that have as well long to kill him. This means that players have the opportunity to slowly break downward his defenses while building their own. This unique situation means players can bring forth more than support units than usual to help protect their team from attacks.
- Element - Hydro and Electro
- Weakness - Pyro and Cryo
- Bring a grapheme that can generate shields, similar Genshin Bear upon'due south Noelle or Diona
- Pyro and Cryo DPS for elemental counter
- Ranged healer
Weekly Dominate Azhdaha Elemental Counters

Azhdaha is a weekly boss located in Nantianmen, Minlin, Liyue. He is an interesting and difficult character to fight, by and large considering it constantly rotates with the Element it is infused with as the fight continues. Players volition want to have a diverse lineup to counter whatever this critter throws at them.
- Element - Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, or Electro, or a combination of ii of those elements
- Weakness - None
- Xiao is the best character to bring along, as she can deal damage no thing what phase Azhdaha is in.
- Diluc, Hu Tao, Klee, and Ganyu all are matched for a shut 2d
- Ranged attacker
- Healer
Weekly Boss La Signora Elemental Counters

La Signora was added to Genshin Impact after the conclusion of Inazuma's arc in the story. Located in Tenshukaku, Inazuma Urban center, she offers an interesting combination of Pyro and Cryo mechanics. Players should prepare to counter these elements, in addition to balancing Sheer Cold and Blazing Heat squares which will appear during the fight.
- Element - Pyro, and Cryo
- Weakness - Hydro, Cryo, and Pyro
- Bringing a ranged fighter will hateful a lot
- Don't rely on only a Pyro or Cryo DPS
- Healers and shield users will make the fight easier
- Side tip: Casserole makes for a smart food choice
Field Dominate Geo Hypostasis Elemental Counters

Now onto the best builds for the field bosses of Genshin Impact. Field bosses are slow-to-respawn creatures that appear in fixed places on Teyvat's map. These first few will exist Elemental Hypostasis bosses, which can as well come in "Pure" Hypostasis form, making them an event boss. The first is Geo Hypostasis, an earth-powered boss that tin can be establish in Guyun Stone Forest in Liyue.
- Element - Geo
- Weakness - Geo
- Any Geo character or grapheme with a Claymore is recommended
Field Boss Anemo Hypostasis Elemental Counters

Much like its Geo cousin, the Anemo Hypostasis is a field boss that also is in its Pure form, making it an Effect boss. Either fashion, the wind is a difficult element to counter. This boss is located near the ancient windy metropolis of Mondstadt.
- Element - Anemo
- Weakness - None
- Whatsoever fast-moving character is adept for this fight
- Players should learn the attacks, figuring out how to dodge each, and so defeating this enemy is pretty easy.
Field Boss Electro Hypostasis Elemental Counters

This electro boss is also found in Mondstadt, and it is too a fairly easy fight in one case players learn the cube's attacks.
- Chemical element - Electro
- Weakness - Pyro
- Bring a Geo character to pause pillars
- Learn attacks and dodges to avoid damage
Field Dominate Cryo Hypostasis Elemental Counters

The fourth of the six cube bosses is Cryo Hypostasis. This icy cube is decorated with pale blueish snowflakes, making it look rather harmless, but its Cryo attacks can leave players out in the cold. Non only does this boss accelerate the speed of Sheer Cold impairment the party, but it tin can also heal itself. Getting rid of this cube as quickly equally possible with fire is the best way to defeat information technology.
- Element - Cryo
- Weakness - Pyro
- This cube is completely allowed to Cryo damage, only it tin be melted past Pyro characters
- Superconduct is not a good reaction to aim for in the fight
- Players should level up the Frostbearing Tree and make a Genshin Impact Warming Bottle if they can earlier the fight
Field Boss Pyro Hypostasis Elemental Counters

The Pyro Hypostasis is the first of the field bosses in Inazuma that Genshin Touch players volition encounter, located in Kannazuka. Dissimilar other Hypostasis foes, the Pyro Hypostasis focuses on making the player react apace, as failing to eliminate its revival cubes will prolong the fight. However, this battle can be made easier by utilizing a Hydro catalyst, or bow user.
- Element - Pyro
- Weakness - Hydro
- The Pyro Hypostasis is immune to Pyro impairment, and so avoid using a Pyro DPS
- A Hydro character is a must for an easy fight
- Hydro catalysts and bow users, like Barbara or Tartaglia, are recommended because they tin get rid of the Hypostasis revival cubes quickly
Field Boss Hydro Hypostasis Elemental Counters

The Hydro Hypostasis is currently the most recent Hypostasis boss to exist added to Genshin Impact, located on Watatsumi Isle. Summoning water droplets, these unique summons tin can either heal the boss or attack the player. Equally such, players should ensure they break these water droplets with priority.
- Element - Hydro
- Weakness - Elements besides Hydro (Cryo, Pyro, and Electro recommended.)
- The Hydro Hypostasis is immune to Hydro impairment, so the player's DPS should be in some other element
- While any other chemical element besides Hydro works in this fight, Cryo, Pyro, and Electro are recommended because of their high power reactions
Field Boss Cryo Regisvines Elemental Counters

The Cryo Regisvines also has an Event form like the Hypostasis' called the Resurgent Cryo Regisvines. But in its basic state, this spooky enemy is a field boss. Located in Falcon Coast, Mondstadt, this icy, flower-like being is similar a giant Whopperflower made of cold.
- Element - Cryo
- Weakness - Pyro
- Using ranged Pyro DPS characters to aim for the jewel in its chest is the best way to fight
Field Boss Pyro Regisvines Elemental Counters

The Pyro Regisvines is basically the same as its Cryo counterpart, only peppery instead of icy. Players will desire to also aim for the precious stone center of this burn down flower to take it down.
- Chemical element - Pyro
- Weakness - Hydro and Cryo
- Pyro characters can help very niggling in this fight
- Players should focus on the Reactions Hydro and Cryo tin can bring to the party.
Oceanid Elemental Counter

Oceanid is also known equally Rhodeia of Loch, the Vox of the Water. She is located in Bishui Patently, Liyue. Dissimilar many of the other fights, this field boss uses Mimics to do her fighting, and players have to boxing and harm Mimics to damage her as well.
- Element - Hydro
- Weakness - Cryo, Pyro, Electro
- Players will desire at to the lowest degree one ranged DPS for damaging flying Mimic
- Elemental Reactions, like Electro-charges and Frozen, will be super important for this fight.
Field Dominate Maguu Kenki

Though start introduced during the Golden Apple Archipelago issue, Maguu Kenki is a field dominate located on Yashiori Island, Inazuma. Using both Anemo and Cryo attacks, players should be aware that Maguu Kenki does not have whatever immunities to these elements until 75% wellness or lower.
- Element - None; Anemo or Cryo during the 2nd phase
- Weakness - All elements besides Geo for Anemo. Pyro or Anemo for Cryo.
- Maguu Kenki is a fast-paced melee fighter, then players should avert using a bow user for this fight. Catalyst users may be one of the most effective weapon users.
- The elemental weakness of Maguu Kenki will depend on which element is imbued. Nigh elements piece of work against its Anemo grade, just high damage reactions against Cryo are more narrow. Having a Pyro DPS is highly recommended.
Field Boss Perpetual Mechanical Array

While finding the Perpetual Mechanical Array may seem difficult in itself, Genshin Bear on players will find the field boss to be fifty-fifty more hard to fight. While the boss uses purely physical attacks, it likewise lacks any real elemental weaknesses. The trickiest function almost the Array is its Defense Way, a phase where four Ruin Sentinels attack the histrion and the Perpetual Mechanical Assortment itself becomes undamageable; players should target the highlighted Scout to terminate the phase.
- Element - None
- Weakness - None
- The Perpetual Mechanical Array has high defence force and attack, then players should bring a good healer to battle. Particularly ane with a quick outburst heal, similar Barbara and Jean, as players volition be moving more in this boxing than in others.
- The Assortment lacks whatever special weakness to the elements, then players should be prepared to prepare their ain reactions. Teams are recommended to include an enabler.
- Bow users are non recommended for this boss fight, as the arena leaves petty room to prepare charged shots.
Field Boss Thunder Manifestation

Seirai Isle'southward exclusive boss fight, the Thunder Manifestation tin prove to be a fairly difficult foe for even experienced Genshin Bear on players. Fast-moving, and incredibly fierce, it can be trouble should players non acquire the beast's move set. On the topic of element counters, the Thunder Manifestation uses purely Electro move sets.
- Element - Electro
- Weakness - Pyro, Anemo
- Players will want at to the lowest degree 1 ranged DPS, as the Thunder Manifestation is a flying boss
- Higher individual-focuses elemental reactions, like overcharged, will prove near effective; Hydro and Cryo reactions may be underwhelming for some players
- The Thunder Manifestation uses movement-based attacks, and then a fast-paced bow or catalyst user will show to exist the most effective
Mythical Beast Primo Geovishap Elemental Counter

This boss tin spawn in one of four unlike elements. Each chemical element has its own counters, but players should exist set up for any of them when encountering the Primo, located in Liyue.
- Element - Hydro, Pyro, Cryo, or Electro
- Weakness - Depends on Elements
- Players will desire a shield character
- Players can peek into its lair as they come up to it and see which color the brute'southward scales are. This will allow them know what chemical element the Primo will be.
Genshin Impact is available at present on mobile, PC, PS4, and PS5.
Source: Game8, Wiki
Genshin Impact Good Against Geo,
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